list of projects i won't work on, most likely, but float around in my head from time to time so maybe i'll get motivated to move them to the work on them list

 distinction between transcendental logic, classic logic, and modern logic (would need to review prior/post analytics, and actually read the topics rather than just summaries, then probably the transcendental deduction at least, then move onto actually tackling cantor and frege -- so, like, kinda cool idea but what a huge project) -- with the intent of finally being able to offer a bridging theory on the dialectic (so, once again, i would have to subject myself to the science of logic, and just suck it up this time) SO THAT IT MIGHT BE POSSIBLE to state Marx's theory in Capital, v.1 in multiple logical systems. <---- look i told you i probably won't work on it lol, but what a book that would be, eh?

A thorough Marxist history of feudalism to the dawn of capitalism which includes pre-feudal history to the extent possible (anthropological rather than philosophical pre-history, ala the state of nature and all that rot -- rather, a proper history of primitive accumulation, again with the usual historical caveats)

Beginning with the origin story for the concept of the structure of benzene develop a connection between the dreams of Kukele and the usual affection scientists have for science-fiction -- thereby making the connection to recent cyber-punk and cypher-body-punk as potentially accurate portryals of the future, but only because our imaginations are what guide the rational research and discourse of science -- and so, by changing our imaginations (ala psychic surgery, by the processes being presently developed in biophysical sciences, and eventually making neural-medicine a possibility) -- then linking this to my present project on anthony burgess' [i]A Clockwork Orange[/i], Alex's psychic surgery (or mis-surgery, to be precise -- another form of torture devised in the name of psychological science), and FINALLY linking that to Levinas' account of totality, alterity, and the face-to-face relation as an existential choice we, as humans, presently face -- a new kind of ethics emerging

my laundry


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