
 I feel we all owe Husserl, at least -- anyone who takes phenomenology seriously. He was treated poorly by the philosophical community for unjust reasons. 

But my God, I'm going to say, I have a hard time reading him. lol. I love everyone inspired by Husserl, other than Heidegger. I owe Husserl a read. But daaaaaamn I don't know what it is but I just tone out reading him.

I think it's both what I'm interpreting as seeming like it's just obviously false on so many frontiers, and that he treats it all like it's obviously true. I think it must be the sort of description of the mind that a scientist would give, a more particular phenomenology than how it is presented -- because I don't believe there *is* a science of science, much less a science of consciousness, and then Husserl goes off the deep end, so it seems, in Ideas (though, of course, there are interpreters who go a different direction with him too. . . )

Soooo.... it's like I'm reading him to appreciate the intellectual background of people I'm interested in, but everytime I try I'm so influenced by those later people that I often find myself rolling my eyes and being actually unable to read with charity. lol. All this time later and I can still find a writer who does this to me, who challenges my notion of charity. 

This all by way of expressing my frustration to read him for realzies. I've been sitting on these thoughts and looking for the proper venue to put it, and I think my silly blog is the best spot because I wouldn't take the thoughts too seriously. Just frustrations in reading.


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