
Showing posts from December, 2022

homework projects 07dec22

 Writing this to say I think I've embedded "the wasteland" into the semiotic study project. First semiotic study, at least to an appreciable degree, then touch on an *easier* poem than the wasteland. But, still... the first thing is: Finish T&I. I'm at the part on atheism and the will -- fairly early on, but the first part went so much faster. I was like "yeah yeah, that's it, preach it my man" the whole time, and on the second one (being an atheist 'n all), now that I'm on the second re-read of the section I'm getting bits but it really was like a wall at first. Husserl is higher in my que of potential things as in its in the back of my mind at the moment. then, of course, the big essay I began, but got distracted from -- existential ethics and levinas, or some such thoughts like that.

sometimes i'm like, kids. . .

 don't do philosophy. go do some drugs! then people will be like, "oh yeah, man, I know what that's like, I've been on that drug!" you do some philosophy, though, and you'll just sound like you're ON drugs, and no one will understand you.  and you didn't even get to do some drugs

my critique of deleuze

 no deleuze my mind is already a rhizome ngl, could use a little pruning. becoming-tree!

y stil punk rock

 mostly to make fun of myself