homework projects 07dec22

 Writing this to say I think I've embedded "the wasteland" into the semiotic study project. First semiotic study, at least to an appreciable degree, then touch on an *easier* poem than the wasteland. But, still... the first thing is:

Finish T&I. I'm at the part on atheism and the will -- fairly early on, but the first part went so much faster. I was like "yeah yeah, that's it, preach it my man" the whole time, and on the second one (being an atheist 'n all), now that I'm on the second re-read of the section I'm getting bits but it really was like a wall at first.

Husserl is higher in my que of potential things as in its in the back of my mind at the moment.

then, of course, the big essay I began, but got distracted from -- existential ethics and levinas, or some such thoughts like that.


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